King Cover Model Rosa Acosta went in on rapper Maino recently after he made comments about her wearing “fake” shoes on Angela Yee’s show.
Maino says:
"I looked at her “BOOM” she’s cute but she had cheap shoes. Someone asked me would I ever try to talk to her and I said, "No disrespect but (that ain't) my type. Look at your shoes. Look at your bag. I don’t even f*ck women like you.” Imagine I pull up somewhere and you got Jay-z, you got Diddy and n*ggas about their business. I pull up in my bentley and jump out, and this b*tch got on her cheap azz "shoes. I don’t want you, if I can’t sport you."
Rosa Acosta responded:
"First of all he said I’m cheap. That I wear cheap shoes. There is a difference between simple and cheap. I will not wear something that is fake so I will wear whatever I can afford. If I can just afford Forever 21 shoes, then that’s what I am going to buy. And anyway, I wasn’t aware that they gave you lessons about women’s shoes in prison.
Next thing is, why are you so sensitive? Just because I stored your number as Don’t answer and I never call you doesn’t mean that I don’t pray for you. God bless you Maino. Then if you have to talk about me in an interview just to be on blogs instead of your projects and your actual music…You suck!
If you are gonna hate, hate right. Everytime you talk about me, you plug RosaAcosta.com, I need those views."
She went on to say:
"I am still the same girl that came from the Dominican Republic. My family has never been rich. I’m still not rich. Why would I go and buy a $2000 pair of shoes that I can’t afford when I can actually help my family that’s still living in DR, or I can save my money or I could spend money on my education. What is wrong with buying something that’s inexpensive."
Maino’s comment and mentality is the reason why chicks are skipping out on rent and damn near having to move back home or shacking up with 4-5 roommates, just to floss. If you have a closet full of expensive shoes and handbags but still have trouble keeping your lights on or you are hiding your car from the repo man every other month. That’s a problem. If you are a guy and you are riding around in a Bentley and still living in your mama’s basement, That’s a problem.
Only buy what you can afford and if a wack azz dude don’t like it, make him buy you those $1200 dollar shoes.
By the way Maino, Diddy’s chick is wearing $2000 shoes, but guess who’s buying em’? BOING!….